Monday, April 21, 2008

Carson's "Scrippers"

On Sunday Carson was deeply interested in Mike's scriptures. He wanted to hold them and "read" them and then he asked where his own scriptures were. So, Mike found him a Book of Mormon of his very own. He carries it around and tries to "read" it. This particular Book of Mormon has some pictures in the beginning of it. Here's a conversation we had this morning:

Carson: Mommy, I found Jesus.

Me: (I was getting breakfast ready and wasn't looking at him) Oh, where is he?

Carson (with a big smile): In my scrippers. Mommy, Jesus was hiding in my scrippers!!!!

This afternoon I had him lay on his bed for his nap and he begged me to let him hold the Book of Mormon. I finally let him (I usually don't let him play or read anything in bed). I discovered that reading scriptures make him sleepy too! In a few minutes he was totally asleep. Yet another reason why I'm thankful for the Book of Mormon!


Scott said...

That's awesome! What a great story. Love the blog.

Melissa said...

So cute!!! He already sounds like he is ready for a mission!