Monday, June 9, 2008

A Trip to the Zoo

Last Saturday we went to Hogle Zoo with some of our Brigham City friends. They have a little boy that is just a few months older than Carson. The two were really cute and Carson was super excited to see all of the animals.

Here's Carson checking out the elephants.

The two boys rode in this wagon most of the day. Here they are consulting the map. Every time Carson got back in the wagon he had to get his map out. Super cute! (But, I am biased!)Carson loved taking a drink out of the lion's mouth. Even today he asked me if he could get another drink from the lion.


Kayla said...

I love, love, love the Hogle Zoo. Wish I could of been there. Trust me, Carson's super cute - whether you're his mom or not - especially in those sweet shades!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Hey Holts!!!! How is it going! I found you off the Dean's and I was so excited. Carson is so big, I love all the pics! You guys are so cute.

Dean Family said...

So cute!!! I love the zoo and that Carson is killing me. Thanks for showing me how to be a good mom!!

April said...

I love the matching father/son sun glasses. I'm glad Carson is already learning how to read a map... he must get this from his mother.

Keep up the good posts - we love seeing pictures and hearing what's going on.


Becki R said...

Fun Zoo pictures! I bet Carson had a blast--well obviously, since he is so tuckered out in the last pictures! And it kills me that he wears his little sunglasses all the time!

The Cooks said...

Yeah hi Holts. I also saw you on Deans and was way excited. I thought the same thing look how big and dang cute Carson is. I am seriously hooked on blogging now what a cool way to see all you guys. I love the zoo trip and I would love to hear more about the engineering job that ROCKS!! I hope you are loving Brigham city and I am so glad I have your blog now.