Saturday, May 22, 2010

Yard work, continued.

With all the rain we've been having lately, our yard has been coming along slowly. Here's some more pictures of the progress.

We had a lot of dirt delivered and then we hired this guy to come and spread it around.
Then we had even more dirt delivered and Mike had to use this roller to flatten it a bit better. Blake loved helping.

Then a few weeks later Mike rented a trencher and dug all the trenches for our sprinkler system that we'll put in next.
If the weather holds and Mike doesn't have to travel for work too much then we will install the sprinklers, get some topsoil, and finally plant some grass! (I use the term "we" loosely--really it's Mike who is going to do the most!) We're all very excited for the day when we have some actual grass that we can use.
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