Saturday, June 19, 2010

Carson and T-Ball

We signed Carson up for his first organized team sport-- T-Ball. I think he likes it. But, I'm pretty sure he doesn't understand what's going on half the time! Here he is taking a swing at the ball and heading to first base.


Here he is in the outfield. After playing two games, I believe he has yet to touch the ball. Mike and I were watching him play and noticed that he does not move to get the ball. He just stays in one spot. And I mean one spot. No shuffling his feet or moving anywhere. So, I pulled him aside and asked him why. He explained, "Mom, if I move to get the ball then I will lose my place." He's so cute. Apparently when the coach assigned him a place he didn't want to get in trouble by moving and losing his "spot". I guess we'll work on that one!
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