Saturday, September 13, 2008

The First Week

We've had Blake home for just over a week. So far I think we are adjusting pretty well. Mike took some time off from work and my mom and his mom have been here to help as well. I'll see how it goes on Monday when it's just me for the day!

Blake was a little bit jaundiced, so the doctor ordered him to be put on lights for 2 days to help him break down the extra bilirubin. The hard thing was that we could only take him out to feed him and change his diaper. Here's a picture of Carson and my dad trying to calm him down with the pacifier. It was so cute!

Carson hates to hear Blake cry. If Blake starts to get upset then Carson starts hunting for the pacifier. The first few days he would run around and say "fire, fire" (meaning pacifier) until he found it and stuck it in Blake's mouth. It was really funny. He loves to tell people that he is a big brother and he is a little protective. One time my mom was holding Blake and she said to him, "I would like to take you home with me." Carson heard and walked up to her with his index finger pointing at her and said, "You can't take him home. He's my brother and he needs to stay here." He was very serious about it too. :)

Here's another picture of the "bili-bed" (light bed) and Blake's first scrub at home.


Emily S said...

Carson wins the big brother award if he is competing against Josh. How cute!

Kayla said...

That "fire, fire" story is too cute. I love it!

Brent and Emily said...

I am so glad to know you have a blog!!! Blake is so beautiful!!! We are so happy for you guys! As always Carson is so cute and funny.

Dean Family said...

Oh my goodness, he is so cute, congratulations. I was crying while reading your post, just missing you guys like crazy, so happy for you, and missing my sweet neighbors who put up with us and let us have a no smoking sign outside of our door!