Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Insides

Some pictures of the inside of our house. It's changing so fast. Last week our fireplace looked like this:
This week it looks like this:
No walls:

Walls! (I know it's not the same angle of picture as the last one, but you get the idea!):


Brady and Jess said...

HI, we found your blog through the adams'. Your house looks amazing! Wow...congrats on the progress.

Jacob and Emily said...

It looks really nice. I bet you are getting really excited to start to decorate the inside. They are moving so FAST on building it.

Shay said...

Wow that is so exciting! I wish we were that far along, but alas, we are just moving to a new apartment. But hey, at least it is better than cinder blocks!

Jerelyn Dunaway said...

WOW! Looks great!

Emily S said...

Looks awesome. It's amazing how the first part takes a while, but once walls go up, it's pretty fast. (My parents built a few houses . . .) This will be really great - all clean and fresh and all the smudges will be yours.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Ooooooooooo! I bet you're SOOOOOOOOO excited to get that done! Lookin' good!

Kacey Ahlstrom said...

Your house looks great! We can't wait to come and see it.