Saturday, May 2, 2009

Mother's Day Gift Idea

My sister-in-law, Alice Furniss, wrote a children's book, called The Happiest Mommy Ever and it was recently published by Deseret Book. It's super cute and would make a great gift for someone else (or yourself!). Carson loves to have me read it -- over and over and over again! I know you can get it online or at Deseret Book and I also saw it at my local Wal-Mart.

She is also doing a book signing today (Saturday) in Tooele at a children's bookstore called The Purple Cow.

To check out some of the illustrations, go to the illustrator's blog. She has a few recent posts about the book and several pictures of it in older posts.


Anonymous said...

That looks so cute! How lucky are you to have a famous sister-in-law!

Jeremy & Andrea said...

wow if only i had read this last week. The purple Cow is a really cute book store. shucks.

Emily S said...

Ha, ha, Andrea and I both missed the boat . . . I have hardly touched the computer in the month of May, but now that I'm touching away I will make a note to check out the book. And don't worry, I don't think your head is big.