Monday, October 26, 2009


Carson turned four years old last week. Unfortunately he was sick on his birthday and his party with our families had to be canceled. He was terribly disappointed and told me, "Mom, but today is my happy birthday and I don't want my party another day." Pretty sad. Here are a few pictures of the very low-key evening with just the four of us.

Getting ready to open his presents. He kept pulling funny faces when I would take the pictures.

Carson and Blake sitting by Carson's new train set.

Carson wanted one of these train sets (it's a GeoTrax set) ever since he saw one at a friend's house. I told him every time he was extra good that he could have penny to put in a certain penny jar. Then when he earned a certain number of pennies he could have his train. So, he happened to earn it a few days before his birthday. Then Mike and I bought him some extra tracks that he opened the morning of his birthday.

On Sunday some of my (Shara's) family came to visit and Carson was so excited to have people here. He opened his presents and got some pajamas and a new train to add to his train set.

As a side note, we really love this train set! I would recommend GeoTrax to anyone! We have another train set that we bought a year ago, and we like it, but I would definitely recommend this one.

1 comment:

Abddaimi Marouane said...

you are really a happy family, good luck in your lives..