Monday, October 19, 2009

Sugar Beet Harvest

My parents and younger brothers are currently super busy with harvest. The farm is done with grain and potatoes, and last week we went to check out the sugar beet harvest. We visited Grandma F. at the beet dump (the place where harvested beets are gathered before being sent on the train to be processed). We saw a truck filled with beets and Carson commented, "Look at all the coconuts!" Yep, not quite coconuts, but really cute.
We rode with Grandpa F. on the tractor. Carson wanted to steer, but it wasn't necessary because the tractors are GPS guided.

Derek was also on a tractor pulling a new harvester.

We took a break because of a truck shortage and Carson pulled this beet out of the ground. Lookin' good!

Things have changed since I was at home and working in harvest. There's more technology, bigger equipment, and my younger brothers were driving tractors! But, the dirt still smelled the same (yummy!) and I loved being able to be there.


Mandy and Mark said...

That looks really fun--and hey, beets kind of do look like coconuts!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

That is SO cool, what good memories for your kids! And that sugar beet is MASSIVE!

DezactivateD said...

Such great memories for you kids:) Great job :)